During August TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) will be offering New Features of Moodle 3.5 and bespoke training sessions only. The usual timetabled TEL training sessions will resume in September.
New Features of Moodle 3.5 sessions
Each year new features are added and old tools are upgraded to improve functionality. The New Features of Moodle sessions will look at the latest features of Moodle that have changed since the roll over. Any updates or new features of our latest Moodle will be included in the session to help you keep up to date with the workings of the system.
To view our training sessions, please see the TEL Training Calendar.
Bespoke Sessions
Informal 1-2-1 sessions can be held at your desk, or if there are several of you interested in a session we have a room available where you can request a more structured group session. Topics for bespoke sessions can be based around our traditional TEL programme, or we can tailor the session to answer any specific questions or needs that you require.
Please complete a Bespoke Training Request form (see below) and simply tick the box next to the session you would like training on. If you tick ‘Other’ please give a brief explanation of the topic you wished to be covered in the session. Complete with the date on which you would like your training session to take place, along with your preferred time and finish it by clicking ‘SUBMIT’.
Please click here for the Bespoke Training Request form:
Once we receive your form, a member of the TEL team will contact you to confirm your training arrangements.
NB: Bespoke TEL training sessions can also be arranged throughout the year.
Background image credits: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adult-book-business-cactus-297755/