What is WiseDrinking?

Today’s app is WiseDrinking, a free health and fitness app which encourages responsible drinking. Available in 37 languages, both on IOS and Android. Developed by Pernod Ricard a french company that produces distilled beverages.


What does the app look like and how do I use it?

When you first log into the app you are asked to select your country, enter some details about yourself and then you are asked to add some information on your most recent meal, along with (obviously) what you’ve had to drink with it!

You can enter the type of drink and the units consumed from the following options:

  • Spirits
  • Wine
  • Beer and Cider

Once you’ve added this info for a few different meals you’ll start to build up a picture of your drinking. At any point during the day you can check how many units you’ve consumed to see how close you are to your limit. One nice feature of this app is that you can keep a diary of the amount of alcohol you consume on a daily/weekly basis, which is a great way to keep track of how many units of alcohol you consume over the course of a week, which can sometimes be a surprise! There are also drink related quizzes, advice on what wise drinking is and facts about alcohol metabolism.

The app contains a ‘Get me Home’ section which features a GPS location tracker showing you whereabouts you are, call options to search and phone friends and relatives, a 999 option for emergency services and a transport tracker to show taxis and public transport in your area.

How could this app help me?

WiseDrinking is a great app for monitoring your alcohol consumption, although, like many health and fitness apps it relies on user input. However once you get into the habit of recording your intake it provides guidance, particularly if you are a little worse for wear and helps you stay aware of how much you are drinking  – which could be helpful particularly during the festive season when we all tend to over-indulge!